The Novel Heart of a Child

1/13/2008 01:13:00 PM Posted by noel

I had the chance to watch one of my favorite movies again last night. I accidentally found the VHS tape of Pay It Forward while looking for a book. My VHS player, for all I knew, wasn't working anymore. What with all the years it had been put into rest. But just to make sure (and I also wanted to know for sure that it's not working before I threw it away with the VHS tape), I plugged it in and connected it to the television set. And lo and behold! it's still working. The video head was just a little dirty, good thing I still have the cleaner. And my day ended watching Pay It Forward.

Haley Joel Osment was a cute kid. I wonder how he looks now. Is he still acting? I haven't seen him lately. Or perhaps I'm just so left behind the movie fandom.

Going back to the movie, Trevor (Haley) got his social studies assignment: think of something to change the world and put it into action. So the kid thought of something. He decided that if he could do three good deeds to someone and they in turn could "pay it forward" and so forth, positive changes could occur. Such a novel idea. But isn't it human nature to expect for payment for any good deed that we do? Well, not if your a saint.

But despite the contradiction in my belief, it's a very, very good movie that it remained one of my favorites through all these years. Too bad I can't put Trevor's idea into practice.