
4/28/2008 11:40:00 AM Posted by noel

As it turned out, my mother gave away three of her kittens the night before Resty was about to "deliver" the dog. Mother knows Resty, he's actually one of her favorites among my friends (if not the only favorite). I guess that's the reason why she didn't refuse when I told her I'd be owning a shih tzu. Because it's from Resty. What she did was to give away three of her kittens to make room for another dog in the house. I actually thought she won't like the shih tzu. I thought that somehow I'd be fighting for the shih tzu's right to stay in the house, or I'd somehow be blamed for the "eradication" of her three kittens. But Resty went (a day late) with Princess the shih tzu. Mother was the one who answered the door. Lo and behold! She was beaming with delight about how cute the dog was.

This is Princess, born March 9, 2007.

I kinda don't like her hair. It wasn't professionally done. Resty was the one who gave her the haircut before handing her over. She had a case of stress diarrhea for like 4 days from the day we had her but that's just about it. She's a healthy little shih tzu. Little. As if there's a big shih tzu. She doesn't wanna eat on occasion, in which case I have to call one of my mother's cats.

She follows me around and sleeps on my bed.