Happy New Year!

12/31/2008 09:34:00 PM Posted by noel

2008 had been a meaningful year - been in and out of trials, of love, and hate. And I must say that the experiences had made me a better person, a more responsible one. I have also learned to love myself more this year, to spend more time for "me."

So much to thank for, really. But of all the beautiful things that happened, one thing that stood out the most was Princess, my beautiful, beautiful dog with such perfect attitude to coincide with mine. And Princess isn't just remarkable because of that, she's actually the living proof that The Secret does work.

Years go by; they come, go and never come back. Much like people in our lives. And so much like them, we say goodbye to them but their memories live on in our minds. In just a few hours we must say goodbye to 2008. Let's take a moment to thank God for everything that was, and pray that 2009 be a better, more fruitful year for all of us.

Happy New Year everyone!