
8/13/2008 02:10:00 PM Posted by noel

My niece asked this 2 mornings ago: "When someone imitates the way you dress, does it irritate you?" Taking into consideration that she's in her teens, and that fashion style is one of the most important things to teenagers (at least that's what I know of), I answered her in a way that will make her be proud of herself. "Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. She dress up like you because she thinks you dress up okay." I was still in for more of the topic but she shrugged her shoulders and went back to her room.

And that made me think of myself. Has someone ever imitated me? Well one of my closest friends imitated my business and put it up 4 lots away from mine. Also, that same friend acquired a shih tzu of exactly the same color as mine 3 months after I got Princess. Flattery, indeed. But it irritates me.

On other notes, I would like to congratulate Vanessa Ann Balleras for passing the nursing board... and for having a boyfriend she loves and who also loves her with much intensity. I hope the sparks will last a lifetime.