Selective Expandable Peekaboo with Fade-out Effect Posts

6/18/2008 12:19:00 AM Posted by noel

I spent practically the whole day editing blog layouts. And all I had for my own blog was the expandable peekaboo with fade-out effects thing. Haha peekaboo. I didn't know it was called "that" until this afternoon. I remember asking Bans about how she's able to cut her posts with the clickable "read more" thing. She didn't know. Anyway, she's on livejournal and I just resigned to thinking that blogspot is primitive so I can't cut my posts. But thanks to I learned something new.

Where did I learn about hackosphere, anyway? From Jenna Sy's blog.

My internet morning habits include visiting
1. my mailbox
3. (she's cute/funny/interesting)
4. (hope she updates)
6. my friendster account (if ever I feel like it)
7. cabal online (just recently)

I also used to read Brian Gorell's blog but not anymore. There are lots of negative vibes in his blog. And negativity is contagious. Yea, he might say he only writes what's going on (in the Philippines), but we don't have to focus/dwell so much on the bad things. Because if we do, we will attract these bad things into our lives. Ok, enough of The Secret. But yea, there's an 8th habit. I watch The Secret on my PC every morning, too. It's not an "internet" thing but I still do it on my PC. So there.